MCIP Qualifying Examination Information

Qualifying Examination

The primary purpose of the Qualifying Examination (QE) is to validate that the student is academically qualified to conceptualize a research topic, undertake scholarly research, and successfully produce the dissertation required for a doctoral degree. The QE must evaluate the student’s breadth and depth of knowledge in the field and must not focus exclusively on the proposed dissertation research. Full information about MCIP QE requirements can be found in the 2023 MCIP degree requirements, Graduate Studies website, and Graduate Council QE Policy.

QE Committee Selection

The QE committee will be assigned by the MCIP Committee of Educational Policy (CEP) in the student's 4th quarter of PhD enrollment. Students, in consultation with their major professors, may recommend faculty to serve on the committee and specify examination specialty areas via a survey sent by CEP. QE committees will consist of four faculty members, at least three of whom are members of the MCIP Graduate Group. 

QE Scheduling and Application

As soon as the QE committee has been assigned, the student should work with the committee to schedule the exam. The student should also work with the QE chair to determine which, if any, emergency QE plans will be utilized (see Graduate Council QE policy for full information on emergency plans:

  • Remote exam - exam is held entirely remotely (no hybrid participation) 
  • Backup Date/Time - at the time of scheduling the original exam, a second "backup" exam time is scheduled
  • Alternate Member - a pre-determined alternate member replaces a member who cannot attend due to an emergency (chair cannot be replaced by alternate member)

Once the exam has been scheduled, the student should complete the QE Application in GradSphere. This application must be submitted at least 30 days before the scheduled exam. If students would like an "MS Along the Way", they should submit that paperwork at the same time as their QE Application. 

Students are responsible for scheduling a room for the Qualifying Exam. The major professor and/or QE chair may be able to suggest a room. There are also rooms available in Green Hall, Walker Hall, Tupper Hall, and Genome Center

Before the Exam

At least ten days prior to your exam, students should contact their committee with the following:

  • Reconfirming the date, time, and location of the exam
  • A copy of their unofficial transcript (obtained here)
  • Their research proposal (maximum of 5 pages)

Students should do their best to reduce stress leading up to the exam and preparing for common situations, like responding to questions they do not immediately know the answer to. Graduate Studies has many helpful tips to help students prepare for their exam day. 

During and After the Exam

At the start of the exam, the student will be asked to leave the room while the Chair discusses the exam proceedings with the committee and organizes the order of the exam questions such that each committee member gets approximately 15-20 minutes of individual questions.  

At the end of the exam, the student will be asked to leave the room while the committee members deliberate and make a decision. The chair will present the decision to the student and complete necessary paperwork.

There are three possible outcomes to the exam:

  • Pass  - The committee unanimously decides the student passed the exam. The student may submit an Advancement to Candidacy application in GradSphere
  • Retake - The committee unanimously decides some or all parts of the exam must be retaken. A memo with specific details of retake requirements and timeline for completion of the retake will be provided to the student. 
    • Retakes are not uncommon, so students should not fear this outcome! The committee will work closely with the student to help them understand what areas of improvement are needed for the second exam. 
  • Fail - This outcome is incredibly uncommon in MCIP. The committee unanimously determines the student failed the exam due to significant deficiencies, and the student is not currently prepared to continue in the doctoral program.  A unanimous fail on either the first or second exam is a recommendation of the student’s disqualification from the degree objective. 

MS Along the Way

Students may decide to obtain an MS Plan II along the way to their PhD. In this situation, a passed QE is used to satisfy the Plan II Comprehensive Exam requirement. Students must pay the additional $55 MS Candidacy fee in additional to their PhD Candidacy fee if they select this option. 

If students would like to pursue this option, they must do the following:

  • At the time of submitting their QE Application - submit a "Multiple Degree Objectives" application to their Graduate Program Coordinator. The student should obtain the "present graduate advisor" signature. The coordinator can obtain the "new graduate advisor" signature. 
  • Before the QE - submit the MS Plan II Candidacy Application in GradSphere
  • After Passing the QE - Ask the QE chair to submit the "Master's II Report" in GradSphere. Once the report is approved, the student will receive a copy. The student can then submit the MS Plan II Filing Process in GradSphere. This will finalize their MS Plan II degree.