Training Vision

MCIP Commitment to Student Development

The Molecular Cellular and Integrative Physiology (MCIP) Graduate Group has a strong commitment and focus on nurturing its students' career and professional development. To accomplish this, we have developed and implemented several strategies:

  • developing the "Navigating Graduate School" course
  • implementation of Individual Development Plans (IDPs) to empower students to introspect, set clear career goals, and map out strategic pathways to achieve them, encourage participation in writing workshops to help hone this key skill useful in any career
  • organization of an annual MCIP colloquium featuring career panels comprising Program Alumni that are currently in diverse fields to provide broad views of different opportunities
  • participation in different designated emphasis programs and partnership with UC Davis on different initiatives aim at developing and fostering well-rounded scholars and scientists. 

This robust plan allows MCIP to provide graduates with the tools to transition into different roles within and beyond academia.

Expanded Description

The Molecular Cellular and Integrative Physiology (MCIP) Graduate Group at UC Davis has a strong commitment and focus on nurturing its students' career and professional development. To accomplish this, we have developed and implemented several strategies.

First, Faculty within MCIP developed the "Navigating Graduate School" course. This is a cornerstone initiative that offers a structured platform for students to cultivate a wide array of essential skills that are pivotal for academic and professional success, including effective communication and networking to grant writing. This course underscores the MCIP's commitment to preparing students for multifaceted roles in the sciences.

A notable MCIP education and training component is the emphasis on Individual Development Plans (IDPs). Through targeted IDP training, students are empowered to introspect, set clear career goals, and map out strategic pathways to achieve them. This approach reflects the group's recognition that a firm grasp of one's aspirations and the ability to chart a coherent trajectory are integral to thriving in the complex landscape of scientific professions. Furthermore, MCIP actively supports students in mastering the skill of grant writing – an essential competence in the competitive world of research. Our students participate in fellowship writing workshops that equip them with information, hands-on training, and peer- and faculty review. This leads to the submission of compelling proposals and increases the chances of funding. Honing this skill not only enhances students' potential for conducting impactful research but also cultivates a sense of self-reliance as they navigate their careers.

The MCIP annual colloquium features career panels comprising Program Alumni that are currently in diverse fields. By engaging with alums and experts from academia, industry, healthcare, government, and other areas, students gain firsthand insights into the array of career paths available to them. This interactive platform embodies the MCIP's dedication to broadening horizons, increasing networking among current and former program members, and fostering informed career decisions. 

MCIP further enriches the academic journey by offering designated emphasis programs. These specialized track programs allow students to tailor their studies and research to align with specific industries and applications. The biotechnology emphasis, for instance, equips students with the skillset necessary to thrive in this dynamic sector, bridging the gap between scientific innovation and real-world applications. This emphasis underlines the MCIP's adaptability in meeting the evolving demands of the scientific landscape. 

Beyond MCIP, the Graduate Pathways Institute is a testament to UC Davis dedication to fostering well-rounded scholars. Through diverse workshops, seminars, and networking events, they provide students with a comprehensive toolkit to thrive in various scientific careers. The Internship and Career Center at UC Davis is pivotal in facilitating seamless transitions from academia to industry. This robust support system aligns with MCIP's vision of molding graduates who can transition into different roles within and beyond academia.